Saturday, December 5, 2015

A Little Something for My Lonely Corner

Hi everyone,

Are you having a festive, fun, exciting holiday season? I am sure many of you are extra busy for preparing family get-togethers, year-end-meetings, gift-shoppings, and all other activities. Today I am writing a quick post of my recent crochet project. Nothing particularly special but just let you what I've been up to. :)

Somehow I've been hooked on crocheting with colorful, fun yarns nowadays. I LOVE strong, rich colors but when it comes to combining colors I am rather conservative. Personally I take a safe road and usually happy with it. In Korea there's a old saying. "You start getting into vibrant colors. It means you're getting older." Not sure where it came from but suddenly I am a bit worried myself. :) Well, I'd like to think it is just a good way of getting old. What is fun if we like exactly the same colors, same shades, same things in our whole life. Must be super boring. Even if that's a sign of getting old I am happy that I finally am able to appreciate wider spectrum of colors.

Here's my tiny corner next to my bed. Since we moved to this house it's been extra plain almost a year. A white cabinet, a white table. As simple as possible. Well, but from some point this year I started adoring vibrant colors by purchasing lots of colorful yarns. As a knitter we will never have enough yarns (Am I right or what?) but some of those yarns turned out to be not my cup of coffee. I was not really fond of how they felt against my skin. So I proceeded a project to use up some of them for something not wearables.

She is called a baby blanket (Rainbow Ripple Baby Blanket by Celeste Young)  but I decided to give her a different purpose. Now you can see how I enjoy her. She is just perfect for my rather boring corner. It might be still little too wild for my taste but I am stunned by the way she sits on my table. She totally changes the ambiance of our bedroom. What you do think?

This is such an easy pattern that anyone who can do dc could finish in a few days. Play with colors so you can make this simple pattern look extra fun. you'll be totally surprised with what you create~ I am happy with the result so much that I might try some more soon. I am getting older but finding something new is extra exciting!

Happy Holidays and Keep Creating~

