Monday, June 15, 2015

What I've been up to

Hello, hello ~

Long time no see everyone. I know, I know. It has been too~ long since I made my last post. If there were no date attached on the last post I wouldn't remember when it was. Sorry for the delay and long absence. I again realized  how great commitment a good blog requires. I should get back to work and make this place more fun for all of us. Hope you keep stopping by and don't let me go~

It has been incredibly busy winter as well as pretty hectic spring. Oh, no worries though. Everything is under control now. . Just a little too many things were in my to do list occupying me last two seasons. Moving in and out, travelling to the States for a big family union, lots of shopping and organizing process for the new nest. But, mainly I wasn't particularly passionate about writing in busy, overwhelming times. My heart was wandering just every where. HOWEVER, you see. I am back as always. That's a good thing about blogging. As long as you guys are with me I can always start over. So, what I am asking is please don't forget to swing by from time to time and say 'hi' with your beautiful smiles~ You know... that is my best inspiration.

What are you guys up to these days? New projects? New relationships? New resolutions (It's funny yet I make new resolutions every week and keep adjusting. It works better than do it yearly for me. What about you?) or New anything? I started a bunch of new things this year. Sure, I make lots of things (and fail in finishing many of them, too. Oh, well. That is life, isn't it?). One of things going pretty well is my gardening practice. I've been wanting to garden forever but the place where I lived was not plant-friendly. Finally me and my hubby moved to this new house that gets fantastic amount of sunlight during the daytime. So I made this micro garden in my little balcony. This is absolutely my dream come true. I am truly thrilled~

One by one, my collections are growing. They are growing real fast changing colors and shapes over night. Simply looking at them makes me excited. What beautiful creatures God gave to us! The best part is I can use them for my cooking whenever I need and they are absolutely organic. First thing I do right after I get up is visiting them to say 'good morning' as well as the last thing I do before I go to bed is giving 'good-night' kisses to my greens. They became a huge part of my daily life and I love it. :) (Sorry, my dear J if you feel neglected. They are just too vulnerable so I give them extra care now. BUT You're still the one I love most.) Already I used lots of greens for my salad and sandwiches. Those bought from supermarkets cannot beat my extra soft and crispy greens. From the field to my table it only takes 3 mins. Cannot get fresher! Anyway, my official first garden is going really well so now I am planning to get some more.

Project-wise I am working on those cuties. It is a secret what I am gonna do with little flowers. I will reveal it by the end of this year. (Hint: the yarn I am using is warm, cozy wool and I am gonna finish by this autumn) So until then I will keep making those as many as possible. They are real sweet and pretty addictive. I cannot stop crocheting them. The weather is getting little too warm to work with pure wool but let's see how many I can finish by this fall.

Also, I am working on new knitting bags and needle cases as you guess. It is always great to apply your ideas to my projects. If you have some thoughts for my products or any suggestions simply drop a line via my E-Mail or comment here. It will be very very appreciated~

Hope your spring is fun and creative! Cannot wait to hear from you soon! I will be back with more exciting updates!

Take care~



PanPanStudios said...

I am happy to see you back, and the garden is lovely! I look forward to hearing more about that project!

Jodiebodie said...

Congratulations on your new home and new garden. Nothing beats freshly harvested herbs and vegetables. I am so happy to see you back - I did drop by from time to time to see what you had been up to in case one of your posts had slipped by my notice. Your woollen flowers are beautiful. It has been a season for flowers - I have been making poppies lately and lots of them. I look forward to finding out your flowers' destinies!

Soyun Park said...

Wish me luck! I am working on it. :)
So happy to see you again.


Soyun Park said...

Thanks Jodie! I am so excited to hear from you. Seems like you've be busy, too! :) I'd love to see your poppies.
Enjoy this wonderful season and make lots of your lovely things. I will be back with some more cuties~


skg046 said...

I suppose that if my good wishes had not been accompanied by their means, my earlier comment might have been permitted to remain. Very well. Best wishes from a Ravelry acquaintance; I won't attempt to comment again.

Soyun Park said...

Hi there,

I am sorry that I mistakenly deleted your comment. I tried to get rid of the spam comment next to your comment but accidently deleted your comment. I did not know how to recover it. I am so sorry about that. Hope you understand.

Unknown said...

Hi Soyun,

Your little garden is lovely! I read somewhere that it helps the plants grow strong and beautiful if you talk to them, they appreciate the love ^^
Your woolly project looks very promising, I am curious what it will be!

All the best from Hungary:)

Soyun Park said...

Hi Ema,

Thanks for stoping by! :)
I heard the exactly same thing from someone that plants grow better when we talk to them with love~ Perhaps I should try it. They are very healthy but who knows? They get even healthier and more delicious, right?
Wondering how you are doing.. How the weather in Hungary right now.. It is summer and pretty lovely I guess. I truely hope I can visit there some time soon.~ I'd love to explore crafts markets in Hungary. :)
Enjoy your summer and keep creating~

